HD Supply funds over 50% of warehouse lighting upgrade with ComEd Incentives


For commercial customers of ComEd Energy, there is a major opportunity to receive significant funding towards building efficiency upgrades — including lighting, HVAC, refrigeration, insulation, and more. ComEd’s energy incentive program, which became even stronger at the start of 2023, continues to be one of the top incentive programs in the US for C&I facilities […]

Daltile transforms stone and tile showrooms with new lighting standard


Daltile, one of North America’s top suppliers for stone, tile, and ceramic products, transformed several of their retail sites from storage warehouses to energizing showroom floors. Learn how PEC helped them efficiently deploy 20 LED retrofits across 14 states, while creating a consistent lighting standard for future project rollouts. Challenges with poor showroom light levels […]

What are common qualities of poor facility lighting?

Lighting is often an understated and underassessed component of C&I facilities. They turn on, off, and show up on the energy bill. But poor facility lighting can have a substantial impact on both business and employee health over time, playing a wide-ranging role in areas from energy efficiency to safety. In our Ask the Expert […]

Steel facility reduces energy use by 73% with LED retrofit


For this Metals USA steel plant in Tulsa, OK, reducing their annual energy use by 73% was just the beginning of benefits gained from a custom-designed LED retrofit. Not only does the increase annual lighting spend, but the new system leverages high-quality, long-lasting LED fixtures that eliminate the need for costly and disruptive maintenance. Smart […]

What is Energy as a Service (EaaS)?

EaaS Energy as a Service - Blog Header Photo - PEC Pacific Energy Concepts

Energy efficiency continues to be a top priority for C&I facilities. Cost of energy continues to rise, and sustainability is top-of-mind for investors, consumers, and governing bodies. However, with ongoing economic uncertainty, business leaders have been left feeling uneasy when evaluating large capital expenditures to adopt energy efficient technologies. As a means to address these […]

5 ways an LED retrofit can support ESG programs

LED Lighting Retrofit for ESG

ESG programs have skyrocketed in industries like manufacturing, distribution, logistics, and beyond. Increasing pressures from investors, consumers, and regulatory bodies are driving more and more businesses throughout the supply chain to seek ways to minimize their carbon footprints and contribute to a more sustainable future. And while these initiatives are critical for us to fight […]

What are scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon emissions?

Emission scopes - ESG Reporting - Header image

As pressures continue to mount for businesses to set and prioritize ESG programs (Environmental, Social, and Governance), we now commonly see companies that have established goals to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and lower their carbon footprints. These goals typically resemble something like reaching ‘net-zero carbon’ or ‘carbon neutral’ operations by some future date, and […]

What are photometric designs and why do they matter?

Photometric LED Lighting Retrofit - 3 Screens

Lighting plays a critical role in commercial and industrial businesses. It impacts safety, productivity, mood, ambiance, product merchandising, and even profitability. This is why achieving the right amount of light for the activities happening in the space is so important. But how do we achieve the “right” amount of light? Underlit areas, as one can […]