Lighting design

Efficiency engineered by design

Expert specification and lighting design are where value is created. 

A ‘one-for-one’ fixture replacement will not achieve maximum value. That’s why we custom specify and design lighting solutions engineered to unlock the full potential of your facility. 

Photometric LED Lighting Retrofit - 3 Screens

3D modelling

Our experts use the best in class 3D lighting design software to create a complete digital model of your workspace. We use this mock-up to test and visualize fixtures, light-levels and optics so we know exactly what your workplace will look like with the upgraded design plan.


Photometry is the science of the measurement of light in terms of its perceived brightness to the human eye. Our designers use lighting software to create photometric simulations of LED fixtures in your space allowing us to design and specify the perfect lighting requirements for your space.

Energy optimization

Through each project, we are driven to maximize energy efficiency and reduce financial costs, while enabling your operations and people to thrive. Our designers are able to precision target the optimal solution for your workspace using quantifiable demonstrations that you can see before installation.

Our projects have saved over $300 Million for our customers

Industry leaders

Our lighting design experts have designed thousands of impactful solutions for our customers and have solved messy and complex challenges for some of the most well-known commercial and industrial companies in the word (and plenty of smaller ones.) 

Our mission is to create impact. We engineer (and implement) solutions designed for maximum efficiency and value – building projects that last the test of time.

When designing any lighting system the first thing I look at is the application – what is happening in the space. From this I assess what fixtures will meet or exceed the environmental conditions. I will then model options within our lighting design software to see what is needed to hit the required light levels. From there I evaluate which fixture and controls combination provides the best overall performance through efficiency, lifetime rating, costs, and financial stability of the company.

– Tommy Allen, Sales Engineer

"Try before you buy"

We’ll show you your workplace before and after our design solution so you can “try before you buy.” We’re able to account for brightness, uniformity, reflectance, and energy consumption so you’ll see how your lighting design will improve your environment before installation begins.

Photometric LED Lighting Designs

Proven. Trusted. known

IKEA LED Retrofit - After

53% Energy reductions & $4M+ annual savings

With 74 projects across 23 states, our projects are generating massive efficiency gains and savings for IKEA.

West Fraser

56% Energy reduction & vastly improved lighting

See the difference for West Fraser with vastly improved light levels and huge efficiency gains.

Alaska Airlines LED Lighting Retrofit Project
Alaska Airlines

Award winning solutions

See how this energy efficiency project for Alaska Airlines implemented smart lighting solutions technology to significantly reduce energy and help them meet their sustainability goals.

Vigor Industrial

165% Light level increase with large efficiency gains

One of the largest projects in the history of the Energy Trust of Oregon. See the outstanding savings and incentives we were able to leverage for VIGOR.

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Energy Monitoring


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Request a free energy audit

Save Energy | Save Money | Improve Safety | Boost Mood & Morale | Increase Productivity | Meet Your Sustainability Goals | And More…

LED Lighting




EV Charging


