Commercial LED lighting

Enhance security, improve workspaces & reduce energy costs

When done right, an LED lighting upgrade can significantly improve commercial spaces. Whether you’re lighting an office, hotel, hospital, airline hanger, or parking lot we provide lighting solutions that improve ambiance, productivity, and increase security while reducing operational expenses.



Dim or poorly-lit spaces create a harsh environment for your workers and guests, negatively impacting the experience in your space. Outdated lighting technology systems are wasting power, cost a lot to run, require constant maintenance, and can be a significant overhead expense. Additionally, outdated lighting can diminish your buildings overall appearance, reduce safety, and employee productivity & morale.



PEC is equipped with innovative technology and a knack for what makes people happy. Our energy consultants will learn your business and build a custom lighting design that meets the needs of your building and improves overall aesthetic — all while lowering your energy costs.




Effective commercial lighting systems need to overcome a wide variety of challenges. When done right, an LED lighting upgrade will:

Provide optimum light levels

save money - lighting - icon

Reduce energy bills

better ambiance - lighting - icon

Create a welcoming atmosphere

increase productivity - lighting - icon

Increase productivity

maximize incentives - lighting - icon - pec pacific energy concepts

Maximize state & local energy incentives

happier employees - lighting - icon - pec pacific energy concepts

Improve employee mood & morale

improve safety - lighting - icon - pec pacific energy concepts

Support workplace safety goals

protect the planet - led lighting - icon - pec pacific energy concepts

Meet sustainability goals

Proven, tested and known

We have a long history providing upgraded lighting systems to commercial industries and have implemented some of the most challenging installations.  Our team of experts will handle your project and communicate with you every step of the way leaving you with a solution that will measurably improve your business.

Alaska Airlines LED Lighting Retrofit Project
Alaska Airlines

Award winning solutions

See how this energy efficiency project for Alaska Airlines implemented smart lighting solutions technology to significantly reduce energy and help them meet their sustainability goals.

Kaiser Permanente

221% light level increase

See how Kaiser Permanente’s maintenance & safety concerns were solved by PEC’s solution

PEC helped us to effectively address all of our goals, and the project has continued to leave a lasting impact. Safety has significantly improved for the 1,800 employees who help drive our year-round, nighttime operation. Our previous lighting maintenance costs were over $80,000 – and now, our expenses don’t even come close.

-Facilities Manager, Vigor Industrial

Commercial pain points

Lighting is one of most important and yet overlooked aspects to your buildings’ operations. The wrong lighting is not only inefficient and financially wasteful, but can negatively impact the ambience, performance, and mood of those inside.

Efficiency - LED lighting - icon - pec pacific energy concepts


Commercial operations often have to keep their lights for long periods of time. If that lighting doesn’t run efficiently, it will waste a lot of power… and increase your energy spend substantially.

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You can’t afford to waste money on inefficient lighting, and no commercial operation should have to. Inadequate lighting can quickly become an unnecessary threat to your company’s financial performance.

Unsafe environments - lighting - icon - pec pacific energy concepts


Never underestimate the importance of a well-lit workplace. Mood, morale, and productivity are dramatically affected by lighting. Properly lit workplaces help keep employees and customers safe and happy.

Excess carbon emissions - lighting - icon - pec pacific energy concepts

Bad for the environment

In these times reducing your carbon footprint is an important ESG metric. Saving energy and reducing energy waste is a simple and effective way to meet your sustainability goals.

Our impact

We target optimum lighting performance. We design and implement our projects with both efficiency and performance to help transform your workplace into a place where people look forward to Monday!

Run Efficient

Our lighting solutions last longer, reduce energy waste, and utilize automatic control systems that conserve power. LED lighting makes your business far more energy-efficient.

Save Money

LED lighting consumes far less power than their traditional counterparts. Switching to LED lighting can substantially lower your power bill. PEC’s lighting installations also last longer and require less maintenance.

Work Happy

Our solutions have improved the mood and morale of our customers employees and improved safety. These are benefits which are truly priceless.

Protect the Planet

Our solutions will consume less power and impact your sustainability metrics. We have helped thousands of businesses meet or develop sustainability goals.

Not all LED solutions are the same

There are huge variances in both LED fixtures and implementation. Lower quality fixtures and unplanned, or poorly implemented systems will not produce adequate results.

Unlike some companies we are manufacturer agnostic. This frees us to focus on one thing and one thing only — what’s right for your project and ultimately your business. We start at the solution and only select high performance products that augment that solution with zero compromises. 

LED retrofit - Weyerhaeuser - PEC Pacific Energy Concepts

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Energy Monitoring


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Save Energy | Save Money | Improve Safety | Boost Mood & Morale | Increase Productivity | Meet Your Sustainability Goals | And More…

LED Lighting




EV Charging


