Protect the planet

Reducing your Impact on the Environment

86% of businesses see reducing their environmental impact as a necessary step towards staying financially competitive while 70% of Americans feel the environment is more important than economic growth. With so many pressing demands and ever-growing regulatory pressures, knowing how to factor sustainability into a fast-moving business operation can seem bewildering. With new technology, industry-leading expertise, and end-to-end service we know-how.

Bright Future

Lighting accounts for almost 5% of global CO2 emissions and can utilize up to 40% of an individual facilities’ energy use. LEDs use about 80% less electricity while providing the same brightness of incandescents and around 25-35% less energy than fluorescents. This means massive C02 reductions, with LEDs taking half a billion tons of Carbon Dioxide from the sky in 2017 alone.

PEC's Environmental Impact

PEC has saved over a staggering 3,000,000,000 kWh for it’s customers to date. This has allowed them to vastly improve their sustainability metrics and help protect our planet. This is equivalent to…


Tons of C02 released into the atmosphere


Gallons of gas burned


Acres of trees capturing carbon

Learn how to increase
safety productivity sustainability morale reinvestment efficiency

Our fact-packed and engaging ebook demonstrates the abundance of improvements that lighting optimization can have on your facility. Including safety, sustainability, productivity and much more. Reading this really could change the future of your workplace.

Get in touch

We’re here to help.
Start the conversation to learn we can support your top efficiency goals.

Energy Monitoring


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Request a free energy audit

Save Energy | Save Money | Improve Safety | Boost Mood & Morale | Increase Productivity | Meet Your Sustainability Goals | And More…

LED Lighting




EV Charging


