Manufacturing Plants

More light. Less energy. Safer work environments.


Custom LED solutions for Manufacturing Plants

Turnkey partner to solve for your lighting challenges:

  • Durable and long-lasting fixtures to support long operating hours and harsh environments.
  • Advanced, photometric design to provide perfect light using least amount of energy.
  • Validated light levels to ensure OSHA and compliance standards are met.
  • Vendor agnostic partner to help you correlate price and performance.



Learn about your lighting

E-book - 10 Ways LED Retrofits Impact Manufacturing Success
10 Ways LED Retrofits Impact Manufacturing Success
MSCI Webinar: How Steel Mills & Service Centers Can Maximize ROI with LED Retrofits
What are photometric designs and why do they matter?

Lighting Challenges for Manufacturers

Dim, power-hungry lighting that harms operational success in a wide-range of ways:

Efficiency - LED lighting - icon - pec pacific energy concepts


Antiquated fixtures demand up to 80% more energy, provide poor light, and require costly ongoing maintenance.

Expensive - lighting - icon - pec pacific energy concepts


Lighting can can make up more than 10–40% of a manufacturer’s monthly energy expense. What would that look like in your facility?


Poor light levels negatively impact alertness and visibility — creating hazardous work environments for employees.

Excess carbon emissions - lighting - icon - pec pacific energy concepts


Excessive energy consumption leads to excessive greenhouse gas emissions.

PEC Solutions

Bright, efficient LED that maximizes efficiency and transforms the working environment:

Run efficient

LED fixtures rated for 100,000+ hour lifespans eliminate the persistent need for ongoing maintenance and production shutdowns.  

Save money

Get the most out of your energy consumption. Better designs achieve optimal light levels using least amount of energy possible.

Work happy

Transform you working environment. Bright, consistent light levels have a profound effect on employee safety, productivity, and overall morale. 

Protect the planet

Lighting is often low-hanging fruit for sustainability efforts. Reduce energy waste by up to 80% to make headway on carbon reduction targets.

LED Photometrics for Manufacturers - West Fraser, Grand Prairie. AB, CA

A new age of lighting design

Advanced software & data-driven design plans that guarantee perfect light and system longevity.

  • Bright and consistent light distribution: Solve for challenges with glares, racking, and equipment. Keep employees safe, productive and happy.
  • Maximized efficiency: Extract every ounce of efficiency from your system. Deploy the best fixtures, optics and controls that slash energy waste by up to 80% (or more!).
  • ROI determined before install: Complimentary lighting audits are used to calculate annual energy & maintenance savings, payback period, 10 year cashflow, & more.

Benefits beyond energy savings

Epiroc has ambitious sustainability goals of a 50% reduction in energy use and carbon footprint by 2030. Epiroc Garland, TX partnered with PEC to implement an energy efficient LED lighting project that not only performs better, is less wasteful, and cheaper to run, but has numerous quality improvements for the people working directly on the facility floor. While a 71% reduction in energy use saves Epiroc over $129k annually, improvements to safety, mood and morale for the employees is priceless.

“People have stopped me in the plant and said thank you because it’s so much brighter.”

— Brett Border, General Manager at Epiroc

More success stories for Manufacturing

Turnkey solutions,
Maximized impact

PEC is not your average contractor. Our mission is to partner with our clients to understand their specific needs, then deliver seamless, end-to-end implementation.

Energy Audit Review Icon

Energy audits

Uncover energy waste and subpar light levels with on-site energy assessments.

Photometic designs

Advanced, data-driven design plans that provide perfected light levels, maximized efficiency, and extracts full value from your upgrade.

Incentive management

PEC’s energy program specialists will research and secure any available incentives or rebates through your utility provider.

Deployment planning

We’ll weigh your top priority sites, incentive availability, and operational needs to craft a seamless implementation plan.

Seamless installs

Nationwide installation teams will work around your ongoing ops to minimize disruptions. Challenging environments are what we do best.

Lifelong partnership

Things happen. Any warranty claims, issues, or questions arise, our stellar support team is here for you throughout the life of your system.


ISNetworld - Member Contractor
NEIF approved contractor
Metals Service Center Institute - Affiliate Service Provider
Department of Energy - Qualified Energy Service Provider

Manufacturing FAQ's

What is the Standard Illumination Level for manufacturing lighting?

The Standard Illumination Level For Manufacturing Lighting

In industrial operations, maintaining the proper level of illumination is essential for a secure and effective working environment. The appropriate levels of light, which are expressed in lux, vary depending on the particular functions carried out within the plant.

Here are some typical illumination levels for different areas within an manufacturing plant:

1. General Workspaces:

150 to 300 lux

2. Warehouses and Storage Areas:

100 to 200 lux

3. Assembly Lines:

300 to 500 lux

4. Inspection and Quality Control Areas:

500 to 1000 lux

What are the typical ROI periods for manufacturing plant lighting Upgrades?

What Are The Typical ROI Periods For Manufacturing Plant Lighting Upgrades?

ROI periods vary based on factors like the scale of the plant, energy prices, and lighting usage. That said, ROI periods for manufacturing plants are typically achieved within 1-5 years.

However, another important factor to consider is the total cost of ownership. While some lower priced fixtures may help achieve a faster ROI, businesses may see a substantial reduction in their total cost of ownership when also considering long term energy savings and related maintenance expenses.  

What are the best practices for increasing the efficiency of manufacturing plant lighting?

Best Practices To Increase Efficiency Of Manufacturing Plant Lighting

Industrial lighting must be efficient because it not only influences energy consumption but also productivity and maintenance costs. The effectiveness of the lighting in your industrial plant can be greatly increased by implementing these best practices:

1. Utilize LED Technology:

Consider replacing traditional lighting with energy-efficient LED fixtures and retrofits. LEDs offer longer lifespans, consume less energy, and produce better-quality light.

2. Implement Lighting Controls:

Incorporate lighting controls, such as motion sensors and timers, to ensure lights are only active when needed, reducing unnecessary energy usage.

3. Optimize Lighting Layout:

Carefully plan the positioning of lights to avoid over- or under-illumination, providing adequate light coverage while reducing energy waste.

4. Regular Maintenance:

Schedule routine maintenance to clean fixtures, replace faulty bulbs promptly, and ensure the lighting system operates at peak performance.

What is the difference between manufacturing plant lighting and other lighting?

Difference Between Manufacturing Plant Lighting And Other Lighting

Manufacturing Plant Lighting differs from other lighting solutions, such as commercial and retail lighting, in several key aspects:

1. Durability:

Industrial plant lighting is more durable than normal lighting since it is made to tolerate severe temperatures, dust, and vibrations.

2. Brightness Levels:

Commercial lighting focuses more on aesthetics than industrial lighting, which is frequently brighter to ensure safety and visibility in big areas.

3. Energy Efficiency:

Given the extensive processes that demand significant energy consumption, energy efficiency is a primary concern for manufacturing plant lighting.

What are the challenges in manufacturing plant lighting?

Challenges In Manufacturing Plant Lighting

Manufacturing plant lighting has many advantages, but it also has its share of drawbacks. Typical difficulties include:

1. Harsh Environments

Lighting equipment can be impacted by the difficult operating conditions that industrial plants frequently experience, including high temperatures, dust, and chemical exposure.

2. Large Spaces

Illuminating vast areas efficiently while maintaining uniform lighting can be challenging.

3. Ongoing Maintenance

Due to operational limitations and the requirement for specialized equipment, routine maintenance in industrial settings can be challenging.

4. Energy Consumption

The high energy demand for industrial lighting can significantly impact operational costs.

Can manufacturing plant lighting reduce energy costs significantly?

Can Industrial Plant Lighting Reduce Energy Costs Significantly?

Yes, by adopting energy-efficient solutions like LED lighting and implementing lighting controls, industrial plants can achieve substantial energy savings and reduce overall operational costs.

Can motion sensors be integrated with manufacturing plant lighting?

Can Motion Sensors Be Integrated With Manufacturing Plant Lighting?

Yes, motion sensors can be integrated, enabling the lights to turn on only when motion is detected, reducing energy waste and enhancing safety in low-traffic areas.

This is key advantage of LED systems. Modern LED technology has an improved ability to be implemented and controlled within a networked lighting control system.

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Save Energy | Save Money | Improve Safety | Boost Mood & Morale | Increase Productivity | Meet Your Sustainability Goals | And More…

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