Free E-Book

From Productivity to Positvity

The hidden power of better industrial lighting

The lighting in your facility may be the biggest opportunity you didn’t know you had.

In this E-book, you will find in-depth research that illuminates the wide-reaching, and often surprising, ways that facility lighting can have a substantial impact on the overall performance of a business  — helping you answer the question, “how can improved lighting help me reach my broader business goals?”

This comprehensive guide is your first step towards understanding if a lighting upgrade is a worthwhile investment for your facility. 

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Light level and efficiency comparisons, breaking down LED vs. older technologies like high-pressure sodium (HPS) and other high-intensity diode (HID) sources
  • The psychological affects that lighting has on employee performance, focus, and productivity
  • Financial implications that accompany an optimized lighting system, including energy spend, utility incentives, and maintenance
  • Studies that demonstrate how facility lighting impacts employee safety, moods, and morale
  • The major environmental advantages of energy-efficient LED that can enable businesses to quickly achieve ESG and carbon emission goals

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