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Turn-key EV charging solutions designed for multi-family properties

High-value tenants are transitioning to electric vehicles at a rapid rate — and EV charging amenities have become a necessity for apartments and multi-family housing properties to be considered!   

Property Management teams that work with PEC get access to a trusted, expert partner for deploying an EV charging solution that best aligns with their top business goals:

  • Attract and retain high-value tenants 
  • Execute on ESG goals
  • Maximize on additional income streams
  • Deploy solutions equipped for future growth and demands

Turn-key EV charging solutions designed for multi-family properties

High-value tenants are transitioning to electric vehicles at a rapid rate — and EV charging amenities have become a necessity for your multi-family housing properties to be considered!   

Working with PEC, Property Management teams gain a trusted, expert partner for deploying charging solutions that best aligns with top business goals:

  • Attract and retain high-value tenants 
  • Execute on ESG goals
  • Maximize on additional income streams
  • Deploy solutions equipped for future growth and demands
Tanner Carew Headshot - PEC Pacific Energy Concepts

Connect with your presenter

Tanner Carew | Sales Engineer @ PEC

Tanner Carew
Sales Engineer @ PEC

What customers get working with PEC

PEC is more than a contractor — we partner with our customers throughout the life of the project, handling everything from end-to-end. See our process below.

  • Site assessment and evaluation

    Your Sales Engineer will conduct a complete and thorough on-site assessment of your property. In this process, we'll work with you to understand your project goals and evaluate the existing infrastructure to determine scope of work. We will also handle any work needed for collecting required permits and meeting any municipality requirements.

  • Solution design

    Following the site assessment, we will craft solution plans that best meet your goals, business model, and cost considerations.

  • Material procurement

    Once we've specified and agreed on the scope of your project, our procurement team will take care of all material ordering and delivery.

  • Secure incentives and tax rebates

    Incentives and tax rebates can be substantial -- even funding your entire project in some instances! As part of our service, our in-house incentives and Project Management team will ensure you maximize on any potential rebates and tax credits available in your region.

  • Project manage entire installation

    Ad dedicated project manager will be assigned to your project throughout the entire installation.

  • Post-installation support

    With PEC, you have a partner throughout the life of your project. And while warranty issues are never ideal, they do happen on occasion! Our dedicated warranty and customer success team will be available to handle any warranty claims or address any issues with your chargers.

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Maximizing your incentives and tax credits

In an effort to drive EV adoption and built out charging infrastructure, regulatory bodies continue to increase the amount of incentive rebates available for project funding. These rebates can often fund the entire cost of the project. However, understanding and navigating these programs can be a confusing and time-intensive process.

Our in-house team of incentive specialists will manage this process for you — allowing you to take full advantage of these programs, without the headaches and hassle. 

EV charging designed for your top goals

Attract Customers icon - EV charger industries

Attract high value tenants

EV drivers make 2X the national average US median income. Make your properties more attractive to these high value groups.
Amenity icon - EV charger industries

Increase retention

Better amenities increase retention. Increasing retention rates by 5% can boost profit by 25-95%
Revenue icon - EV Charger industries

Maximize ROI

Each EV parking space now is now essentially fitted with your own fuel pump which you can earn on per charge.
EV Adoption icon - EV Charger Industries

Prepare for future demand

1 in 4 Americans  say they would like to buy a fully electric vehicle for their next auto purchase

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Get on the map

Massively increases discoverability by having your site appear on online map services including Google and Apple Maps
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Improve sustainability standing

85% Of consumers have become ‘greener’ in their purchasing in recent years. Are you speaking their language?

About PEC

We’ve earned the trust to deploy energy efficiency projects for some of North America’s most recognizable brands – including the likes of IKEA, Costco, Alaska Airlines, Security Properties, and Lithia Motors to name a few – on a wide range of projects including LED retrofits, EV charging, and HVAC Smart Motors. Our experience combined with our detailed turn-key process will ensure seamless implementation of your energy initiative.

About PEC

We’ve earned the trust to deploy energy efficiency projects for some of North America’s most recognizable brands – including the likes of IKEA, Costco, Alaska Airlines, Security Properties, and Lithia Motors to name a few – on a wide range of projects including LED retrofits, EV charging, and HVAC Smart Motors. Our experience combined with our detailed turn-key process will ensure seamless implementation of your energy initiative.

EdCon 2023 - EV Charging for Property Management - PEC Pacific Energy Concepts = Customer Logos

Energy Monitoring


PEC Pacific Energy Concepts Logo - Color

Request a free energy audit

Save Energy | Save Money | Improve Safety | Boost Mood & Morale | Increase Productivity | Meet Your Sustainability Goals | And More…

LED Lighting




EV Charging


