LED Upgrades to Maximize ROI & Reduce Spending

The winning formula for less waste and maintenance plus increased safety and productivity.

Customers in all 50 states
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Projects completed
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Saved for customers
$ 0 M
kWh's eliminated to date
0 B+

What’s the Bright Idea?
Our Value-Added End-to-End Approach.

From audit to install, you have a trusted partner.
Every step of the way.






Advanced photometric design

Advanced software, controls, optics, and data-driven design has changed the game for lighting efficiency. We will help you push past beyond the status quo of 1:1 bulb swaps and capture the immense value hiding in your lighting system.

Complimentary energy audits

In-depth system audits, site-walks with your team, photometric analysis, and post-project validation lets you get complete assurance that your new lighting system achieves OSHA & industry standards using the least amount of energy possible.

Swift & seamless implementation

Our experienced and agile Project Management team will work with on-site teams and subcontractors to oversee each of your projects from A to Z.

Validated results

Receive total assurance that your project delivers on expected results: Light levels measured pre and post install, and energy audit data is validated with monthly energy spend.

Incentive management

Your incentives should feel like a discount, not a project of its own.

PEC incentive specialists will handle collection of any rebates available to help fund your project.

"Relationships matter in the energy efficiency world. We know where to go and who to ask. Thus, we can open doors for your project that otherwise may have remained closed."
Reed Lehto
Director of Energy Program Management

Cashflow positive funding

Meet budget requirements and get projects off the starting block. We will work with you to structure a payback program using the predictable energy savings gathered in your upgrade. 

Deploy business-changing light levels that slash energy waste and transform your working environment — all through a zero-capital, zero-interest funding solution.  

Serving A Wide Range of Industries

West Fraser LED Retrofit - Lumber Manufacturing - Thumbnail


Warehouse & Distribution




Others Have Seen Clear Savings

Industrial LED Retrofit - Vigor Industrial Interior - After Image


Annual kWh savings for Vigor Industrial



Annual energy savings across 74 projects for IKEA

daltile-logo (fiord)


Reduction in energy use across 28 LED retrofits for Daltile

Energy Monitoring


PEC Pacific Energy Concepts Logo - Color

Request a free energy audit

Save Energy | Save Money | Improve Safety | Boost Mood & Morale | Increase Productivity | Meet Your Sustainability Goals | And More…

LED Lighting




EV Charging


